Friday, January 8, 2010

First Birthday - 1/7/10

Dear Caleb,
It is hard to believe that you have been here for one whole year. We spent so much time praying and anticipating what you would be like and it has been so much fun watching your personality develop. We are constantly amazed at the things you are learning and how independent you are becoming each day.
You are pushing me to become more patient and less selfish all the time . . . slowly but surely, I am learning. You cause me to slow down and enjoy the moments of your babyhood instead of worrying about all the things that I need to get accomplished.
We laugh a lot at all the things you do and are becoming more aware all the time that you are becoming a toddler (temper tantrums!!) and we will have to learn more about how to lovingly discipline you.
We are excited to see what this next year holds for you! Happy Birthday!

Caleb's First Christmas

Caroline and Caleb got to know each other (it was fun to watch them 'communicate').

Caleb taking a ride on the rocking horse that Grandpa built just for him (he is also demonstrating that he has learned how to point at things).

Yup, that's a lot of snow . . . and it is still snowing there.

Caleb had a White Christmas and got to go on his first sleigh ride (he looks cold, huh?).
Cameron received the best gift ever . . . a giant container full of different kinds of tea. :)