Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Fun!

October has most definitely been my favorite month this year so far, here are some reasons why:
-we have had the most perfect weather every weekend (fall-like weather! yay!)
-Caleb has been in such a great mood (no teething!) and is really starting to show us his personality
-trying out lots of new recipes (mmm . . . comfort food!)
-lots of fun activities (pumpkin patch, date night at Grimaldi's
Pizza, Mediterranean Festival)
Here are a few pictures:

Finding new uses for the exer-saucer!

Bobby, Caleb, and the Cokenours

Eating straw . . . yummy.

Bobby's 1st Birthday Party! Morgan made these adorable hats for all the party-goers!


  1. Hooray for good moods--we recently entered the crabby stage. =(

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
