Sunday, November 22, 2009

Uncle Nolan and Caleb

Caleb is now standing up like a 'big boy' . . . yes, I promptly took the pen out of his hand that he happened to find.

Notice the awesome new sweater that Uncle Nolan brought him.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

For Karen :)

We had lots of fun 'sprinkling' Karen and Baby Boy Merritt this morning and enjoying lots of yummy food! As evidenced in this picture, Evelyn is ready to be a big sister! :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

1st Haircut

Proof that not all of the tissues in our house are being used on stuffy noses! :)
This is the "Before" shot. It was hard to part with his lovely curls, but he had kind of a mini-mullet in the back.
He is enjoying the experience! We went to a place called 'Snip-Its' . . . not sure we can afford this all the time, but they were so great with him! Extremely quick and kid-friendly. She even put his little curls in a bag for me to put in his baby book.
The "After" shot. We realized it looks kind of like Jeff Daniels in 'Dumb and Dumber' if we don't style it a little bit. :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Cold Remedies for Baby?

Caleb came home with a runny nose yesterday . . . I am recovering from a cold, so I guess it was only a matter of time.
Poor little guy looks so pathetic with his watery eyes and runny nose, but he seems to be playing fine and eating normally (he is snoring a little!).
Today I read online that it helps to rub Vick's Vapor Rub on a baby's feet before putting on footie pajamas and to put a little salt in the water of your cool mist humidifier.
Does anyone else have any suggestions of things I should be trying? :)