Monday, February 22, 2010


After months of practicing several signs with Caleb (food, please, more, all done, drink), he is finally catching on! Caleb now signs 'more' very excitedly when he wants something. I am one proud mama! :)
Which got me thinking this morning . . . we (our little family of 3) feel like we are in a stage of transition. We like our little life here in TX, but know that we can't sustain it forever if we want to move on to future plans/goals.
So, it feels like I am always asking God for more - which I know he is pleased to give his children, but what if His version of 'more' looks different than my version of 'more'. What if he is asking me to be content for the long-term with what we have? What if my visions of financial security, a growing family, etc., etc. look different to Him? What if 'more' simply means that instead of all of those things (which in themselves aren't bad things) more means 'more' of Him . . . .desiring more of him, leaving all areas of life to him, etc. I am reading through Luke right now and ironically I opened to Luke 12: 22-34 today where I am told that the time I spend worrying could be better used in other ways. :)
So, I'm pondering that question right now. What does more mean? And I have Caleb here to remind me . . . "more, mom".


  1. Honey, I know what you mean! Our lives usually turn out differently than what we expect...ugh. But it is so much better for us. God always puts us through the ringer to get it through to us! He is good all the time. (BTW - I'm so glad you posted - I LOVE reading your blog!)

  2. I love you dear friend! I'm always amazed at the lessons the Lord is teaching us and showing us through the innocence of our children. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Thanks for sharing these thoughts, Erin. I am grateful for moments of reflection and realization. Good job, Caleb, for learning to talk with your hands!
