Saturday, September 5, 2009

Running, Running Makes Me Smile . . .

I have been thinking a lot about running the last few weeks and how much I have missed it. It has been a big part of my life since high school and the last couple of years I have not run as often as I would like due to living in a sketchy part of Houston, being pregnant, adjusting to life with a baby, and just plain being lazy!
What I have noticed about myself is that I am much more disciplined in all areas of my life (in my walk with the Lord, spending habits, using my time wisely, eating, etc.) when I am exercising consistently. I am not a world-class athlete, not a fast runner, and don't have the endurance to run a marathon, but I love the feeling of tired muscles and a sweat-covered t-shirt at the end of a run.
Over the years, running has been my way to de-stress, spend time in prayer, build friendships as I run and talk, and enjoy being outside. I realize that now more than ever, in this new chapter of life, I need to build this discipline back into my life.
So, this is where you come in! Something else I have also realized is that a big part of self-discipline is community -- keeping yourself accountable to others and enjoying the journey together.
My hope is to do the Turkey Trot in Sugar Land in November . . . would anyone like to join me? (walking or running) Even if you live in another state, there might be a Turkey Trot in your area too. Think about it and let me know. We can help one another stick to the goal!


  1. Sorry, Erin. I'm not your girl. Running, running makes me tired and sore. =)

    Love that sweet pic of Caleb!

  2. I'm with you! I did the Run to feed the Hungry last Thanksgiving - only the 5k though. This year I'm going to do the 10k since there's a LOT less people on that path. Joe & Marla are doing it, too.

    Good job being disciplined. It's not easy, especially when you add a baby in the mix. Do you have a jogging stroller to enjoy being outside with Caleb? You'll definitely feel much better exercising regularly and de-stressing :) Love you dear friend!
