Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of School!

Yesterday was crazy (but fun!). The students were so cute and excited about their first day of school. The first class of the day did not go as well as I would have hoped, but it went much better the second time around (two 5th grade science classes back to back). One girl brought me gorgeous Gerber daisies and a homemade card -- too cute! The second graders were pretty squirrely by the time I arrived to teach math - an hour and a half is a long time to pay attention! The art students were very well-behaved and did a great job working on their first project.
Caleb was exhausted by the time I picked him up at daycare and would have slept from 5:30 pm until this morning if I had not woken him up to feed him, poor baby, he was so tired! I think his adjustment will be rough because he will only be there twice a week.
For all of the education-minded folks out there, do you have any suggestions for keeping second graders on task?

1 comment:

  1. Hi there - I'm Morgan's neighbor friend and just found out you are teaching again! My 1st grader Grace is at your school and loving it! For the squirmy 2nd graders I wanted to suggest incentives. Grace had a teacher who once called them "chatty coupons". Basically, kids started out with a certain amount per month, but when the undesirable behavior occurs (talking out of turn, squirming and not paying attention to work) teacher took away a coupon. At the end, child with most coupons or bucks got to choose from $1 store type bin of goodies. The kids learned real quick not to talk out of turn b/c they desperately wanted to keep their "coupons". Good luck!
