Friday, August 14, 2009


Caleb and Cameron having a 'jam session' a couple of weeks ago. :)

Sorry for the lapse in posts, blog friends! I am still here, but the last couple of weeks have been busy.
I have spent the past week in teacher in-service at Logos Prep. My mind is on overload and our apartment is a mess! I am teaching three different classes and am feeling very overwhelmed. I had the privilege of meeting many of my students and their families last night and they are awesome! All of them seem very excited about school and their parents were all so nice. Our first day is of school is Tuesday . . . pray for me and for the students!
Caleb experienced his first week at daycare and had a pretty rough time. He didn't nap or eat there very well - he has come home exhausted each day, but I know it is just part of the transition, so I hope it gets better.
Caleb cut his first tooth this week! Sad to say, I was so busy that I didn't even notice it for a couple of days! No picture of the tooth yet -- too tiny to see, but it is definitely there. :)


  1. Oh dear honey! I was wondering how this week went for you. You are gonna do great! I know it's completely overwhelming - like your first year as an RD, maybe? You're amazing and don't you forget it! Jesus will help. :) I love that about Him.

  2. my week this week isn't very crazy at ALL so if I can help you out in any way, please let me :)
    love you guys and it was so good to see you Saturday....

  3. Thinking of you! Hope you all adjust soon to the new routine!
