Thursday, July 9, 2009

So Tired

I need advice! I have been feeding Caleb nightly around 10:30 pm and he wakes up at some point between 4-6 am to be fed again. He weighs enough that he can physically make it through the night without being fed, but we think he may be waking up out of habit now. When he woke up this morning at 4am, we did our best to let him cry it out. We each went into his room to pat his back, give him a pacifier, etc. several times, but to no avail. After about an hour of crying, I fed him. I felt like a jerk letting him cry for so long and I'm sure our upstairs neighbors were not too happy with us! My thought is that if I don't feed him at 10:30 pm, he will just wake up sooner (2 or 3 am) instead of 4 or 5 am. Not sure what to do, let me know your thoughts.


  1. erin, my advice is probably different from what others may say, but i say feed the boy. he is growing and until you start solids, he probably really is hungry. especially since he used to not do this. he is using up more energy during the day now that he is active and may just need a little snack. especially is nothing else calms him at night except nursing. BUT...that is just my point of view. =) good luck!

  2. Isaac slept through the night at 2 1/2 months. There was some little coffee-table mom book that said to get a baby to sleep the 12-5 shift first then add on from there. It worked for him. Eventually he'd go to bed at 10 and sleep til 6 or so. He was such an easy baby though, so I didn't have a hard time with pretty much anything.
